如果您一直在MT.GOX密切关注过去几天的Bitcoin价格,你可能已经听说有关MtGox交易bitcoins10亿美元的事。 目前从Mt.Gox和BitcoinCharts历史中看所有事件的证据已被删除。然而发生在2012年8月9日的MT.GOX的图表深度也低得令人难以置信,显示只有一小部分可能会被视为正常。 一些用户推测Mt.Gox的实时数据流在某种程度上被卡死所以导致显示不正确的数据。最终它被证实是Mt.Gox支持团队的一个技术故障的问题,而不是一个黑客或任何其他类型的恶意行为。据悉Mt.Gox的创始人MagicalTux说0金额贸易“引发在贸易引擎的老错误,我们一直跟踪了一段时间。"

ello Mt.Gox Users, Trading was unavailable for a short period of time today. There were invalid trades taking place as well as trade orders that could not be cancelled. Therefore we had to halt the trading engine and consequently, most ask orders were cancelled. However, we have resolved this issue and trading has now resumed. Invalid trades have been cancelled and trade orders can now be cancelled. Users who have had their ask orders cancelled are kindly requested to place their orders again. We apologize for the inconvenience caused and we will make every effort to prevent this from happening again in the future. Thank you for your continued support to Mt.Gox. UPDATE: After investigating, we found out that the issue is likely due to an old piece of code in the trade engine that checks for bid/ask cross (i.e. negative spread). This piece of code would check for bids and asks differences, but did not make sure that both were in the same currency. To prevent this bug issue from recurring, we have placed some extra checks to halt trading automatically should a similar issue happen again. Thank you once again for your kind understanding in this matter. UPDATE 2: It appears that some new trade engine features that were rolled into production earlier today caused this bug to become possible. We have now found the exact cause and resolved this bug. We now are 100% confident that today’s problem was due to a technical glitch and we would like to assure that it was not caused by any malicious attempts. Image Copyright 2006 (CC BY-SA 2.0) hashashin