Mt.Gox Opens 15 New Currency Markets

【作者:fjbit】 来源:转载 日期:2011-9-9 21:45:51 人气: 标签:Mt.Gox Opens 【打印】

Dear Mt.Gox users,
We have some excellent news, we have finally launched our multi-currency engine and are introducing 15 new new currency markets to our customers! 
  • mtgoxEUR - Euro
  • mtgoxCAD - Canadian Dollar
  • mtgoxGBP - British Pound  
  • mtgoxCHF - Swiss Francs
  • mtgoxRUB - Russian Rubles
  • mtgoxAUD - Australian Dollars
  • mtgoxSEK - Swedish Krona
  • mtgoxDKK - Danish Krona
  • mtgoxHKD - Hong Kong Dollars
  • mtgoxPLN - Polish Zloty
  • mtgoxCNY - Chinese Yuan
  • mtgoxSGD - Singapore Dollars
  • mtgoxTBH - Thai Baht
  • mtgoxNZD - New Zealand Dollars
  • mtgoxJPY - Japanese Yen

New Users
Upon registration, user are now able to select their main currency.

Existing Users
If you are an existing user you can set your main currency by clicking on your username, "settings" and then by selecting a currency from the "Main currency" drop down.  
If you have more than 1 currency added to your account, you can select it by clicking the drop down in the wallets section. This is located under your username after you have logged in.
Additionally, in your account settings you can define how you want funds to be deposited into your account if they are different from your main currency. 
When receiving funds in a currency other than my main currency:

  • convert to my main currency -> If you have USD set as your main wallet and deposit JPY, we will convert it to USD automatically (for a fee of 2.5%).
  • add to a wallet in that currency (if I have one) -> In a situation where you have USD/JPY wallets, but have JPY set as your main wallet and you deposit USD, we will simply add the USD to your USD wallet. If you have this option selected and send in a currency you don't have a wallet for, the funds will be converted to your main currency (for a fee of 2.5%).
  • create a new wallet in that currency -> If you deposit in a currency that is not your main currency, a new wallet for that currency will be created. 


Api Users
You can force the API version "0" to answer you in a specific currency by adding a GET parameter ?Currency=USD (or whatever currency you want to use) to the API URL.


Happy trading!
-The Mt.Gox Team
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