Upcoming Bitcoin Conference and World Expo Upgrades Venue

【作者:fjbit】 来源:转载 日期:2011-8-14 4:45:37 人气: 标签:Bitcoin Conference 【打印】

 The first Bitcoin Conference and World Expo is movin’ up–organizer Bruce Wagner, host of The Bitcoin Show, just announced a venue change. Instead of hosting the event at his studio, attendees will gather at the chic Midtown Roosevelt Hotel at 45th and Madison from August 19 to 21. Somebody there must like Bitcoin.

People are flying in from all over the world to attend, Mr. Wagner says, including keynote speaker Gavin Andresen from the Bitcoin Project; Jed McCaleb, founder of MtGox, the founders of TradeHill.com and other Bitcoin start-ups. The agenda includes meals at Bitcoin-friendly eateries, breakout sessions on mining, trading and merchant solutions, as well as time set aside for networking.

“All the biggest names in the world of Bitcoin are going to be here,” the conference site says. “People have announced that they are flying in from China…. from Europe… from South America… even chartering private jets to get them here.”

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