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【作者:网文】 来源: 日期:2013-7-25 2:32:49 人气: 标签:firecat 【打印】

Financial Status

Mining Income: 102,041.82[btc]
Blade Sales Income: 29,594.75[btc]
USB Sales Income: 37,524.00[btc]
Total: 169,520.57[btc]

Device and Infrastructure Expense: 397,800.00$ + 4,909,930.00¥
Electricity Expense: 729,542.05¥
Labor Expense: 327,081.00¥
Logistics Expense: 132,184.90¥
Deposits: 117,506.01¥
Total: 397,800.00$+6,216,243.96¥

Balance Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?…T0E&usp=sharing

Hardware Franchising

This is a new business model option besides self-mining and hardware sales. We will rent the excessive hashing power to financial and technical capable people, accepting full deposits at the market price, shipping the devices and collecting a certain PPS rate based on the theoretical hashrate. The PPS rate, the dividing of cost coverage, as well as warranty/exit strategy are being discussed in detail and executed as small-scale experiments.

This model is similar to hardware sales in the aspect that we do not have in control on how the users make use of our devices, therefore has more decentralization in spirit. And like with self-mining, it aims at settings in scale, enjoying the reduction of NRE cost and operating cost overall, and reducing potential marketing/advertisement/customer service costs.

Project Timeline

August-September: Deploy/sell all hashpower arriving in July and early August.
September-November: Deploy/sell the hashpower ordered at early July.
November-December: Experimental products of 2nd-gen chips and modular large-scale deployment solutions.

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