亲爱的的北京比特币人, 我们4月6日(周六)晚上6点再一次举行北京比特币聚会。我找到了新的一个新的地点叫做“车库咖啡” (在中关村),我们可以用会议室,还可以用BTC买东西!他们也有吃的东西。地址和地图在下面。 第一次的活动很成功,估计这一次参加者会更多一些。比特币聚会是一个认识更多比特币迷的好机会,希望这次能多讨论怎么能在中国推广比特币。 最好可以回复,但是没回复的人也能参加。如果你有问题或评论,请回信到这个电子邮件地址。谢谢大家,期待见到你们! Address/地址:车库咖啡 海淀 区海淀西大街48号鑫鼎宾馆2楼(在北京大学西南角海淀桥的东南角,海淀图书城步行街内,中国书店往南100米路东,4号线地铁中关村站下车A口处往西过3条马路,约400米) Dear Beijing Bitcoiners, The next Bitcoin meetup will be held on Saturday, April 6th, at 6:00pm. We found a new location, The Garage Cafe (车库咖啡) in Zhongguancun, which will provide us a meeting room and will accept BTC payments for drinks. Please see the end of this message for the address and a map. The first meeting several weeks ago was a big success, and we are expecting even more people to attend this one. That meeting was an excellent opportunity to meet other bitcoin users and to learn more about the technology, but we are hoping that this time we can discuss ways to increase bitcoin usage in China and what kinds of innovative things it could be used for here. Address: The Garage Cafe (车库咖啡) Beijing, Haidian District, Haidian West Street. No. 48 Xin Ding Hotel (鑫鼎宾馆) Bldg. 2 (At the Southwest Corner of Beijing University, on the south side of Haidian Bridge). Go past the "China Bookstore" 中国书店 and walk down the pedestrian street about 100 meters. The cafe is at the end of this street. You can take the subway on line 4 and get off at Zhongguancun station, exit A. Walk west past the next three roads, about 400 meters. If you are lost, please call the cafe at +86 10 8262 7127