
【作者:Bitcoin】 来源:原创 日期:2012-4-4 0:41:31 人气: 标签:Bitcoin Magazine 【打印】

 This magazine will very shortly reach every Barnes and Nobles in the USA. We will start it with a 2,000 issue run. If things go well each month, we will double the run each month and continue to build exposure. 

Right now our target locations are USA + Canada, but we will gladly ship anywhere internationally for a small additional shipping and handling fee.

This magazine will change the way people look at Bitcoin in the media. It will represent us to the outside world. When people go browsing the magazine section, they will grab this magazine and open it up to see what Bitcoin is all about.

This is where it begins people. You can help us do it right by doing two things:

1) Buy an issue -- we don't turn a profit. We need as many issues out the door as possible to ensure that the next month will be as fruitful. This is how the magazine world works. Tell your friends. Tweet about it. Write a blog article about it. 

2) One of the biggest complaints Bitcoiners have so far is that they are being misrepresented in the media-- well, here's your chance to make it right! Help us, help everyone. If there is something you feel we should be doing differently, tell us-- we'll listen. Our lifeblood is the interest of our readers. Speak loudly and clearly.

All it takes is 1 Bitcoin and you can have your print issue shipped to your door, a collectors item and a piece of Bitcoin history.

For discounted subscription rates, visit http://www.bitcoinmagazine.net 

返回顶部】【关闭窗口 风险提示:本站分享转载的信息均来自互联网,且仅供阅读参考,不作为具体投资的依据,据此入市,风险自担。本站所有内容涉及到的“货币”字眼需谨慎研判,我们维护各国法币的合法地位,同时数字资产具有货币的某些属性,目前是不能替代任何国家的法定货币的,请谨慎理解投资并严格遵守各国法律法规!详见本站[免责声明]。】
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