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【作者:fjbit】 来源:未知 日期:2011-10-17 9:18:31 人气: 标签:ExchB是关闭 【打印】

Dear Bitcoin community and ExchB customers,

ExchB is closing.

First, we would like to assure our customers that all funds and Bitcoins deposited with us are available for withdrawal.

Over the past few months, we’ve enjoyed bringing a high-quality, easy-to-use exchange service to the Bitcoin community. We believe Bitcoin has a bright future and look forward to the many developments that are sure to come. Unfortunately, the cost in time and money of running ExchB and the funds required to take it to the next level will exceed our available resources.

As of October 16th, 2011, we have stopped trading and deposit activity on the exchange.

All funds and Bitcoins must be withdrawn by October 24th, 2011. For customers who have made large funding transactions, we may request additional information before processing withdrawals. If this is the case, you will receive an email with additional details. Bitcoin withdrawals will be manually approved regardless of amount.

Lastly, we have in development a merchant solution for Bitcoin that provides price stability for customers and removes confirmation delay. Anyone interested in acquiring and further developing these technologies should contact us.

Thank you,

David Sterry, President
Exchange Bitcoins Inc.


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