
【作者:fjbit】 来源:未知 日期:2011-9-20 19:21:03 人气:304 标签:Bitcoin政府禁止 【打印】

 http://epicchange.org/donate.php为了得到这开始,我建议我们接触的联合之路,并提供$ 10,000美元的捐款,在其网站上通过bitcoins尽快为他们列出他们Bitcoin 捐赠地址。布鲁斯瓦格纳onlyonetv.com同意举行代管资金,直到我们达到10,000美元的BTC价值。MemoryDealers.com将捐出1万美元的5,000元,所以我们只需要社会来与另一半。一旦该慈善机构的网站上上市,布鲁斯将发送出一份新闻稿中所有的媒体接触他。它应使主要新闻头条以及!如果你觉得这是一个好主意,请您Bitcoins发送到:1CEmUakCaR71BmELWJPg72QRYzUqEddNm6(这是MTGOX存储)请让我们知道,如果你有任何关于如何使这一计划甚至更好更多的想法。-------------------- 8月30日更新---- ------------ 感谢所有的意见和反馈,如果你不认为联合之路是值得的慈善机构,请不捐 ,而是联系您最喜爱的慈善机构,并要求他们在其网站上直接接受Bitcoin捐款。  提起史诗变化bitcoin捐赠所取得的成功经验。的更多的慈善机构,接受Bitcoin更好,但我想,如果在美国最大的慈善机构接受Bitcoin捐款,他们的其余部分将迅速跟进。如果大家谁已阅读此主题迄今已捐赠了价值$ 6的Bitcoins ,我们会已经拥有的其他$ 5000成为现实。问问自己,“6美元价值的主要国家新闻关注Bitcoin会收到如果联合之路上市作为一个在其网站上捐赠方法Bitcoin?”  你我想世界来想帮助孤儿,可爱的小狗,有需要的人,当他们听到关于Bitcoins吗?“如果你的答案是”YES !“ 然后把你的价值6美元的BTC:1CEmUakCaR71BmELWJPg72QRYzUqEddNm6很容易 !只要做到这一点!


In tonight's Bitcoin Brainstorming session,  we came up with an idea to make sure Bitcoin will never be banned by governments.
Rather than having Bitcoin be known as the currency of online drug pushers and gamblers,  we need to have it be known as the currency of charitable donations.

Lets make sure that the
Red Cross
United Way
The Humane Society 
and more

accept bitcoins for donations.

If lots of great charities like these use Bitcoins for fundraising,  no politician would ever dare to ban them!

A great example of a charity that is already accepting bitcoin donations is http://epicchange.org/donate.php

To get this started,  I suggest we contact the the United Way and offer to make a $10,000 USD Donation via bitcoins 
as soon as they list on their website their Bitcoin donation address.

Bruce Wagner of onlyonetv.com has agreed to hold the funds in escrow until we reach $10,000 worth of BTC.
MemoryDealers.com will donate $5,000 of the $10,000 so we only need the community to come up with the other half.
Once it is listed on the charity's website, Bruce will send out a press release to all the media contacts he has.
It should make major news headlines as well!

If you think this is a good idea,  please send your Bitcoins to: 1CEmUakCaR71BmELWJPg72QRYzUqEddNm6  (this is stored on MTGOX)

Please let us know if you have any additional ideas on how to make this plan even better.

--------------------August 30th update----------------
Thank you for all the comments and feedback.
If you don't think the United Way is a worthy charity,  please don't donate. 
Instead contact your favorite charity and ask them to directly accept Bitcoin donations on their website.  
Mention the success that Epic Change has had with bitcoin donations.  The more charities that accept Bitcoin the better,  but I suspect that if the biggest charity in the USA accepts Bitcoin donations,  the rest of them will quickly follow.

If everyone who has read this thread so far had donated $6 worth of Bitcoins,  we would already have the other $5000 to make this a reality.
Ask yourself,  "Is $6 worth the major national news attention Bitcoin would receive if United Way listed Bitcoin as a donation method on their website?"
"Do I want the world to think of helping orphans, cute puppies,  and those in need when they hear about Bitcoins?"

If your answer is "YES!"  then send your $6 worth of BTC NOW to:  1CEmUakCaR71BmELWJPg72QRYzUqEddNm6

It is easy!  Just do it!

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