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【作者:fjbit】 来源:原创 日期:2011-8-24 0:28:38 人气: 标签:Bitbills 【打印】


Cards cost their face value plus a small fee. We offer a 25% fee discount for any order of 10 or more Bitbills. Bitbills currently come in 1, 5, 10, 20 bitcoin denominations.

Bank Cards

Bank cards are like piggy banks for bitcoins! Load it with your bitcoins, put it in a safe place, and your bitcoins are safely locked away until you choose to redeem them. Redemption is as simple as scanning in the bank card's QR code, which encodes the private key.

Each bank card also comes with a metal Payee card, which only displays the bank card's address, making it easy to accept payment. Any funds sent to the address are immediately stored on your bank card, in your safe location!

Redeem a Card's Bitcoins

1. Cut out the QR code

To get your card's private key, carefully cut out the square QR code visible on the front (logo side, NOT address side) of your card, underneath the security hologram. The card should separate into layers. Take the internal QR code square and peel off the security hologram. It may help to use a penny to remove any hologram residue. DO NOT use any liquids or chemicals on the private key qr code.

2. Scan it in

Next, scan the QR code using any means you like. We recommend using a smartphone QR scanner app, such as "Barcode Scanner" for Android. Now you should have the hexadecimal private key.

3. Import the key

The easiest way to import your private key is using Sipa's key import/export patch. You can find information on the patch here. You can download a compiled version of the Bitcoin daemon for linux here. After running simply run the command "importprivkey <scannedprivatekey>" the bitcoins will be added to your wallet!


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