
【作者:fjbit】 来源:原创 日期:2011-8-24 0:18:43 人气: 标签:比特币ATM 【打印】

A global leaderless movement for currency independence and personal liberty

The world's first bitcoin ATM was successfully beta tested in public for the first time at ‘Cool As Ever Tech’  Saturday, August 13th, 2011, 12pm - 6pm. San Diego, CA.

The ATM was on-line and fully functional selling Bitcoins at market exchange rates with no markup or fees.

What are bitcoins: www.bitcoin.org

Bitbills (bitcoins you can hold in your hand): www.bitbills.com


What is Bitcoin ATM

Video Introduction: http://www.youtube.com/user/DigiVidMedia


Bitcoin ATM bridges the gap between virtual currencies and cash, allowing real time cash purchases of bitcoins and facilitating many other transaction types using bitcoin as a medium.

Bitcoin ATM will become the fastest growing and largest bitcoin related startup entertaining licensing agreements and additional funding from high net worth holders of bitcoins such as ‘mining pools’ and early adopters (and old school fiat currencies if we must).

Bitcoin ATM is planning 200 Bitcoin ATMs worldwide by Q3 2012.

Advanced features:

  • Instant Bitcoin & USD deposits for customers of Tradehill and MtGox.

  • btc.to bitcoin receiving address shortener.

  • QR code integration allowing compatibility with bitcoin wallets based on the Android operating system.

  • Printing of QR codes of both the public and private keys with subsequent charging. (note: these are not a substitute for Bitbills but a tool of convenience for small amounts of bitcoins to be spent soon)

  • Vanity Bitcoin addresses generated in real time (affiliate).

  • Printing of public & private keys on separate receipts bringing full offline capabilities to bitcoin (optional).

  • Free app for Android & iPhone with BPT enhanced bitcoin wallet. (BPT - Bitcoin Power Toys)

Historical Note: Bitcoin ATM is the first Bitcoin related company to be seed funded entirely by Bitcoins from a small group of enthusiasts. The first Bitcoin ATM was purchased with bitcoin funds using Tradehill’s innovative vendor invoice processing system.

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