
【作者:fjbit】 来源:未知 日期:2011-9-12 3:26:36 人气:776 标签:比特币行情分析 【打印】


September 10, 2011: Public Update for Bitcoin Price Analysis

Long term: NEUTRAL
Mid term: DOWN
Short term: DOWN

September 8, 2011: Public Update for Bitcoin Price Analysis

Long term: UP as long as 2-3 $ holds
Mid term: DOWN
Short term: DOWN
Bitcoin prices continue to decline, in line with our forecast. Prices declined almost -50% since our big sell signal ("below 12.3$"from the subscriber section.

Short term, a new low below 5.74 $ in the coming weeks is the most likely scenario and we keep the mid term stance: "Only a high volume move above 12 $ would make us change this bearmarket view in bitcoin prices."
We will update the short term picture closely in the subscriber section and see whether we can help bitcoin traders and bitcoin investors to find a potential bottom earlier.

September 5, 2011: Public Update for Bitcoin Price Analysis

Long term: UP as long as 2-3 $ holds
Mid term: DOWN
Short term: DOWN

As forecast on September 2nd, the break below 8.7 - 8.5 $ indeed led to lower bitcoin prices. 
Today, bitcoin prices fell to 7.25 $, the lowest value in 28 days.

Prices can (but don't have to) fall into the 5 $ area and possibly even lower. We keep our stance that until there is better evidence, "Only a high volume move above 12 $ would make us change this bearmarket view in bitcoin prices."
We will update the short term picture closely in the subscriber section and see whether we can help bitcoin traders and bitcoin investors to find a potential bottom earlier.

Click here for the latest bitcoin charts

September 2, 2011: Public Update for Bitcoin Price Analysis


Long term: UP
Mid term: DOWN
Short term: DOWN

The most recent short term break below 8.7 - 8.5 $ will in all likelihood lead to lower bitcoin prices. Most often, those monthly declines end with a "crash" type of decline before a more sustainable low is put in. We see this also for bitcoin / USD. 
Prices can fall into the 5 $ area but even lower into the 1-3 $ range. Only a high volume move above 12 $ would make us change this bearmarket view in bitcoin prices.

Click here for the latest bitcoin charts

August 31, 2011: Public Update for Bitcoin Price Analysis

In this section, we will post the most recent short term bitcoin charts, as a public update. For more in depth bitcoin charts analysis, including bitcoin forecasts, please visit the Bitcoin Analysis Subscriber section here: http://www.bitcoinbullbear.com/bitcoin-subscriptions

Bitcoin prices continue to be in a mid and short term decline.

The key level of 8.7 - 8.5 $ is broken.

Now, the likelihood for much lower bitcoin prices is high.

Bitcoin prices will likely test 7.6$ and possible even lower levels (i.e. the 5-6 $ range).

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