
【作者:网文】 来源:转载 日期:2012-7-14 21:18:36 人气: 标签:bitcoin 【打印】


他个人将贡献5000 BTC向受影响的Bitcoinica的客户,从他发表的申明看,zhoutong为此次事件尽最大努力将用户的损失减少到最低.并且建立了独立于Bitcoinica的赔偿系统,此次还接受社会捐赠来补充赔偿额的不足.另外文章中还提到如果你有在Bitcoinica的帐户,可以考虑捐赠一部分BTC给需要的用户.此次赔偿持续到2012年07月21日后将关闭.如果你在Bitcoinica有未得到理赔的BTC,请尽快登录http://bitcoinica-compensation.zhoutong.com进行索赔.截止目前社区向他捐赠的BTC已达101.10 BTC




Dear community,

First of all, I would like to clarify that I had zero financial interest in Bitcoinica since January 2012. I can't touch any of your funds or Bitcoinica's profits. I was paid for operating Bitcoinica on monthly salary basis until April 1.

However, I did sell Bitcoinica at a profit last year. I know that I have no responsibility to pay for Bitcoinica's losses occurred after the transfer of ownership (it's business common sense). I do feel that some Bitcoinica customers were unfairly treated by inefficient internal operations.

I was born in a middle class family and vast majority of the sale was used to pay back the mortgages for my family. The remainder was used to fund my education in Australia. I don't have much money left but I'd like to contribute as much as I can.

I pledge to contribute 5,000 BTC to all Bitcoinica customers. The money comes from my personal investment in Bitcoin and I wouldn't have touched it at all without the disaster happening. In order to reduce potential problems and inefficiencies caused by Bitcoinica team, I have spent 3 hours to independently develop a claim system for this purpose. Please note that it's not affiliated with Bitcoinica in any way. The claim form was not designed to be secure because payments will be made in a separate program.

Everything will be done in a voluntary basis. Please be honest. All payouts will be made in proportion. I'll verify the claims based on the information I have. I have the right to disregard any claim if I feel it's not genuine.

If you want to contribute some money to offset Bitcoinica customer losses, please send the coins to 1Lmb3fGLtizurD3mBq3QAKZ6mVb9kGMLSh. I will add 100% of the donations in this address into the pool. Any contributions, big or small, are appreciated.

Please submit your claim here: 

(Please read the Conditions of claim carefully before you submit anything. The claim will close on July 21, 2012.)

If you have any problems, simply reply to this thread.

EDIT: This is entirely separate from Bitcoinica's own claim system. You can submit a claim here regardless of your status at Bitcoinica. However if you have received full payment from Bitcoinica please give the opportunities to others. Total amount of funds is highly limited and we can only expect a small percentage of funds to be reimbursed. If you're feeling generous, you can ignore this claim system and give your share to others, who may need the money more. All payouts will be made after July 22, 2012 (depending on my availability).

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