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Charity Purpose Donation Page
Erowid Online library of information about psychoactive plants and chemicals and other topics on altered states of consciousness such as meditation and lucid dreaming. https://www.erowid.org/donations/donations_bitcoin.php
F.A. Hayek Institute of Canada Study and promote Austrian Economics http://www.hayekinstitute.ca/home/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=54&Itemid=60
Tahoe-LAFS A distributed filesystem with funky redundancy properties http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/wiki/BitCoinPage
Torservers.net 运行 Tor 中继和网桥 https://www.torservers.net/donate.html#anonymous
Center for a Stateless Society Builds public awareness of, and support for, market anarchism http://c4ss.org/support-the-center
OpenGameArt.org Produces and hosts freely licensed art for use in open source games http://opengameart.org/content/donate-bitcoins
I2P匿名网络 与tor类似的匿名网络 http://www.i2p2.de/donate.html
Forban Filesharing protocol for local area networks http://www.foo.be/forban/
awesome Window manager for X11 http://awesome.naquadah.org/community/
Recycles.Org Nonprofit Recycling and ReUse Network - Nationwide (USA) technology exchange clearinghouse for nonprofit organizations http://www.recycles.org/computer/donation/support/
PrivacyBox System for anonymous and non-trackable contact forms https://privacybox.de/donations.en.html
Ripple Payment system based on trust networks https://ripplepay.com/donate/
Telecomix Internet freedom collective http://werebuild.eu/wiki/Donations
Prometheus Fusion Perfection 开源聚变反应研究 http://prometheusfusionperfection.com/2011/02/04/bitcoin-fundraiser/
RusInfo Russian info agency http://rusinfo.cc/help
Plankhead Free/open source media and arts organization http://plankhead.com/donate
Sun City Ukrainian centre for children in difficult circumstances http://sms.gorod-solnca.org/
Pioneer One TV series funded purely through donations http://twitter.com/#!/pioneeronetv/status/36119594439544832
Infinity PFM Free/open source personal finance application with Bitcoin support. http://www.infinitypfm.org/#donate
HackBloc on Reddit Hacktivism, Crypto-anarchy, Darknets. http://www.reddit.com/r/hackbloc
Anonnews.org Open news platform for Anonymous http://anonnews.org/bitcoin.html
The Freenet Project The Free Network https://freenetproject.org/donate.html
Bluetile Tiling window manager for GNOME http://www.bluetile.org/#development
Singularity Institute Artificial Intelligence http://singinst.org/donate
Operation Anonymous Anonymous Political Group http://www.operationanonymous.org/
BBC iPlayer Notifier Email and Google Talk notification of new content available on BBC iPlayer https://iplayernotifier.appspot.com/
Queeky an online drawing community with special drawing tools and creative users from all around the world http://www.queeky.com/content/support-queeky-and-donate
Intercom - Emergency Communications Division We Build Censorship Resistant Phone and Communications Networks http://www.intercom.gs/support.html
Linux Outlaws - we aim to misbehave two pragmatic linux users talk about the latest developments in free and open software and culture http://linuxoutlaws.com/
German Privacy Foundation protecting privacy, manufacture and sell the CryptoStick (a smartcard on a usb stick) http://www.privacyfoundation.de/verein/spenden/
DOSBox An x86 emulator with DOS http://www.dosbox.com/crew.php
Lorea A distributed and federated nodal organization of entities working on integrating and pushing available free and open source technologies and networks, for social networking, social economy and autonomy of the people. https://n-1.cc/pg/pages/view/14888/
Freedomain Radio Online philosophical conversation about freedom, religion, the state, and the family http://board.freedomainradio.com/forums/t/30241.aspx
Encyclopedia Dramatica 4chan's Wikipedia http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/donate.php
Los Angeles Biohackers Grass-roots biotechnology lab in downtown Los Angeles http://www.socal-diybio.org/Main_Page#Donate
Los Angeles Indymedia User-generated left-wing news. http://la.indymedia.org/
Open Transactions Easy-to-use, Financial Crypto and Digital Cash Library. https://github.com/FellowTraveler/Moneychanger
Free Software Foundation Worldwide advocate for software freedom and host organization for the GNU Project. https://my.fsf.org/donate/other
Hackerspace Brmlab The first hackerspace in the Czech Republic http://brmlab.cz/project/bitcoin
Riseup Tech collective who aim to aid in the creation of a free society, (...) engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression https://help.riseup.net/en/donate#bitcoin
Sugar Labs Sugar is a learning environment that reinvents how computers are used for education. http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Donate
A Liberty Upgrade for America (IndieGoGo) Join us as we reach 1.6 million Americans with a message of liberty! http://www.indiegogo.com/commonsense
Free Talk Live Help spread the message of liberty by donating to a liberty leaning nationally syndicated radio show! http://www.freetalklive.com/bitcoin
BeatingDebt.org Teaching debt prevention by placing educational ads, supporting debt prevention groups, and providing online resources. http://www.beatingdebt.org/donate.php#BitCoinDonation
EudemocraciaNGO Dedicated to the creation of a modern form of government that combines these two concepts: direct democracy and internet. http://wiki.eudemocracia.org/en/donaciones
Openwall Project Development of information security related free software, information security research, publications, and community activities aimed at making existing free software safer to use. http://www.openwall.com/donations/
Consumer - Merchant Trust Project An initiative to increase trust between Consumer and Bitcoin Merchants. All proceeds go to the websites fund, which pays for various things such as web-hosting and advertisement. http://www.bitcoinsreview.com/donate/
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