
【作者:fjbit】 来源:未知 日期:2011-10-3 5:16:21 人气: 标签:犹他州bitcoin 【打印】

。然而,看看点#1(下面以粗体显示)的措辞,“所有的人享受的固有的和不可分割的权利,以合法收购, 持有和使用作为交换任何形式或形式的钱,他们可能更喜欢语言... ... “ 犹他可能被纳入bitcoin企业的一个良好的状态。犹他州货币,而“宣言 “,金钱,作为一种交流,媒介,价值储藏,和一个测量单位,促进经济活动,促进专业化和贸易增长和生产力 ,积累而财富和长期投资,以及在制定价格,跟踪进度和结算的问责制;,自然钱-珍贵的金属硬币-凭借其内在品质的可识别性,可计量性,统一性,可分性,耐用性,可移植性和稀缺性,可靠地保留其购买力,尽管周期性波动,在世纪和千年人类历史,作为一个交流的有效的媒介和价值储藏服务往往没有任何政府的声明,通过这样的操作要求 ,合法化或延续; 而,健全货币,保持稳定的购买力随着时间的推移,最有利于社会的需要,通过大幅度降低通货膨胀的风险,债权人和债务人的通缩风险的不确定性,以及鼓励一般民众之间的储蓄和投资,有利于经济区在它刺激经济和该地区吸引外国资本和商业循环,而历史证明,垄断货币的系统经常产生的货币贬值,导致严重的后果,如失去了购买力,不公平的财富的再分发,生产资源配置不当, 和长期失业,而且,作为一个自由市场和社会的基石,选择的权利,无论是供应商之间的商品和服务,各政党和候选人,或其他媒体之间的交流,,有效地促进普遍福利;而平等保护的互补性和竞争性的货币开放流通应鼓励和促进每一个主权国家,包括那些美国根据其货币权力(第1条中明确保留的所有的人,富人与穷人 ,, § 10在美国宪法第10修正案)赚钱黄金作为替代的,自愿的交换媒介和银币,作为一种有效的检查和国家政府对本国货币贬值的平衡,这是宪法排除demonetizing国家法定货币,通过不同的税收待遇,歧视性的调控,抑制和扣押的威胁,或以其他方式,因此现在,我们特此声明,并申明: 1。作为一个真正的自由和幸福的追求一个自由的社会的基本要素,所有的人享有固有的和不可分割的权利,合法地获取,持有和使用作为交换的媒介,他们可能更喜欢任何形式或金钱形式,特别是包括黄金和白银硬币。 2。所有的自由和主权的国家承担的道德,政治和法律义务,不仅不要贬低他们自己的货币(最紧急的情况下下除外),并架设障碍,无拘无束根据其主权的贸易伙伴管理局发出的款项流通, 也肯定保卫和防止欺诈,假冒,伪造,假冒,盗用公款,偷窃或忽视,所有国家需要充分的透明度和问责特许金融机构3 。无应纳税额,也应适用于任何的规管制度,促进另一种货币的形式:(一)持有任何形式的资金,在金融机构或以其他方式;(b)在其他任何一个以货币形式的交流; 或(c)在一个以货币形式的购买力的实际或估算的增加相比,另4。除在政府评估的税,费,关税,imposts,消费税,费,罚款或处罚的情况下,政府权力不应该被用于强制支付的任何义务,合同或私人债务的具体形式不符合任何金钱各方的书面,口头或默示的协议,或阻挠缔约方的意图或损害折扣或附加费的申请无效合同义务的同意后,特别是媒介交换或就业付款。的方法依赖5。的程度和一个人的货币持有量,包括那些与任何金融机构在存款,构成应该不会被披露,搜索或除后,坚持扣押,如要求一个可能的原因足够显示,以支持发行由由于过程保障一个合法的保证或管辖权的法院令状,由法律授权的执法人员执行。,我们在此呼吁各位商界领袖,教育工作者,媒体的成员,立法会议员,政府官员以及司法和执法人员利用自己的最佳结合 ​​努力恢复和促进的法律和商业的框架,有必要建立和维持运作良好的,稳健的货币体系的基础上选择货币。签署本协议同意在上述声明中所表达的一般原则,尽管一些具体的保留可能以该等应解释原则,并在实践中应用 。


The state of Utah's monetary declaration signed last week (Sept 26th) is primarily considered relevant to gold/silver.
However, look at the wording for point #1 (bolded below); "all people enjoy the inherent and unalienable right to lawfully acquire, hold and use as a medium of exchange whatever form or forms of money they may prefer.."  Utah may be a good state to incorporate bitcoin businesses.

Utah Monetary Declaration

WHEREAS, money, as a medium of exchange, a store of value, and a unit of measure promotes economic activity, growth and productivity by facilitating specialization and trade, the accumulation of wealth and its long-term investment, as well as accountability in setting prices, tracking progress, and settling accounts;

WHEREAS, natural money – precious metal coin – by virtue of its inherent qualities of recognizability, measurability, uniformity, divisibility, durability, portability and scarcity has reliably retained its purchasing power, notwithstanding periodic fluctuations, over the centuries and millennia of human history, serving as an effective medium of exchange and store of value often without any governmental declaration to require, legitimize or perpetuate its adoption and operation as such;

WHEREAS, sound money, by retaining stable purchasing power over time, best serves societal needs by substantially reducing the uncertainty of inflation risk for creditors and deflation risk for debtors as well as encouraging saving and investment among the general populace and benefiting the economic zone in which it circulates by stimulating the economy and by attracting foreign capital and commerce to the region;

WHEREAS, history attests that monopolistic monetary systems frequently engender currency debasement, resulting in serious consequences such as lost purchasing power, inequitable wealth redistributions, misallocation of productive resources, and chronic unemployment, and that, as the cornerstone of a free market and society, the right to choose, whether between suppliers of goods and services, political parties and candidates, or between alternative media of exchange, effectively promotes the general welfare;

WHEREAS, for the equal protection of all people, rich and poor, the open circulation of complementary and competing currencies should be fostered and promoted by every sovereign state, including those of The United States of America pursuant to their monetary powers (expressly reserved in article 1, § 10 and in the 10th amendment of the United States Constitution) to monetize gold and silver coin as an alternative, voluntary medium of exchange, and as an effective check and balance against debasement of the national currency by the national government which is constitutionally precluded from demonetizing state legal tender, through disparate tax treatment, discriminatory regulation, the threat of suppression and seizure, or otherwise;

NOW THEREFORE, we the undersigned hereby declare and affirm that:

1.     As an essential element of true liberty and of the pursuit of happiness in a free society, all people enjoy the inherent and unalienable right to lawfully acquire, hold and use as a medium of exchange whatever form or forms of money they may prefer, including especially gold and silver coin.

2.     All free and sovereign states bear the moral, political and legal obligation not only to refrain from debasing their own currencies (except under the most exigent circumstances) and from erecting barriers to the unfettered circulation of monies issued under the authority of their sovereign trading partners, but also to affirmatively defend and protect against fraud, counterfeiting, uttering, passing off, embezzlement, theft or neglect by requiring full transparency and accountability of all state chartered financial institutions.

3.     No tax liability nor any regulatory scheme promoting one form of money over another should apply to: (a) the holding of any form of money, in a financial institution or otherwise; (b) the exchange of one form of money for any other; or (c) the actual or imputed increase in the purchasing power of one form of money as compared to another.

4.     Except in the case of governmentally assessed taxes, fees, duties, imposts, excises, dues, fines or penalties, the authority of government should never be used to compel payment of any obligation, contract or private debt in any specific form of money inconsistent with the parties’ written, verbal or implied agreement, or to frustrate the intent of contracting parties or impair contractual obligations by invalidating the application of a discount or surcharge agreed to be dependent upon the particular medium of exchange or method of payment employed.

5.     The extent and composition of a person’s monetary holdings, including those on deposit with any financial institution, should not be subject to disclosure, search or seizure except upon adherence to due process safeguards such as requiring an adequate showing of probable cause to support the issuance by a court of competent jurisdiction of a lawful warrant or writ executed by legally authorized law enforcement officers.

We hereby urge business leaders, educators, members of the media, legislators, government officials as well as judicial and law enforcement officers to use their best combined efforts to reinstate and promote the legal and commercial framework necessary to establishing and maintaining well-functioning, sound monetary systems based on choice in currency.

The signatories hereto concur in the general principles expressed in the foregoing declaration notwithstanding specific reservations some may have as to how such principles should be interpreted and applied in practice.

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