
【作者:fjbit】 来源:转载 日期:2011-8-22 20:25:11 人气: 标签:BitCoin论坛 【打印】


I want to get this out in the open because it is the kind of thing that will generate conspiracy theories:  I’m going to give a presentation about Bitcoin at CIA headquarters in June at an emerging technologies conference for the US intelligence community.

I accepted the invitation to speak because the fact that I was invited means Bitcoin is already on their radar, and I think it might be a good chance to talk about why I think Bitcoin will make the world a better place.  I think the goals of this project are to create a better currency, create a more competitive and efficient international payment system, and give people more direct control over their finances.  And I don’t think any of those goals are incompatible with the goals of government.

I’m only very slightly worried that talking about bitcoin at the CIA will increase the chances they’ll try to do something we don’t want them to do.  I think accepting their invitation and being open about exactly what bitcoin is will make it less likely they’ll see it as a threat.

PS: Full disclosure: I’ll be paid a one-time fee of $3,000 to cover expenses and pay me for my time.  I don’t want any “Gavin is on the CIA’s payroll” rumors to get started, either…

As always, comments and questions and discussion welcome.  I’d really rather not hear any conspiracy theories about how they’ll secretly implant a mind-control chip in my head while I’m there, though….



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