我会告诉你,如果你使用的是Mac就是。 这是超级容易,以确保驱动器上或在一个可移动的USB,你的bitcoin钱包和安装,使用的Mac OSX时。下面是通过一步一步的演练,使加密的,安全的,可移动的USB bitcoin客户端和钱包。 它是如何做的: 1)安装Bitcoin应用程序(或有已安装),并运行它来获取所有的链,然后关闭应用 这就是它!当你所做的工作,并希望锁定您的肉片;关闭该应用程序,弹出图像,然后弹出驱动器。(注:您可能需要卸载的图像通过磁盘实用程序) 以上GOOGLE翻译英文原版如下:Yes, you can cram, or you can start a Bitcoin-only store too. Maybe I misjudged you and you are cool/rad. Can’t tell yet, I’m too busy Grizzlin’ on my Bit. If Bitcoins are going to be taken seriously as a currency, they need to be usable. Also, they need to have a value that isn’t just a reflection of USD value according to the latest exchange rate. So what I, Mr. Bitcoin, and you, John Q. Bitcoin, should do, is open some stores peddling some stuff that we make ourselves, and can ourselves assign a value. What you say? You have to make something, then do something else? Get a hold of yourself dammit, *slap!* you are a Bitcoin visionary. You are the future. Do not forget it. The reason the stores we make should be things that we make ourselves is so that we’re less tied to products, overheads, and markups, which would have to be calculated in terms of what we’d be paying to our suppliers in old, fat, US bills. So, start thinking about what you can do for your Bitcoin, OR CRAM IT. |