
【作者:fjbit】 来源:原创 日期:2011-10-4 14:05:38 人气:649 标签:挖矿ATI的58xx/5970 【打印】


I had 1 5870 and 1 5970 fans making weird noise (bad), so I decided to search for replacement fans, and also to perform some maintenance on the cards.
Other than replacing the fans, I found that some thermal pads were breaking apart, thus I got replacement thermal pads and thermal glue to glue the thermal pads to the heatsink/cover of the cards.

Things I bought:
1. Replacement fans from (http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=10330120683)
2. Thermal pads from (http://www.dealextreme.com/p/heat-sink-thermal-silicone-paste-10cm-10cm-0-1cm-35819)
3. Thermal glue from (http://www.dealextreme.com/p/fujik-silicone-thermal-glue-50ml-grease-like-4579)

The main problem was getting the replacement fans. These are from China, and they accept various forms of payment that are only available in China, though I think they ship worldwide.
RMB$50 should work out to be about US$8 (back of envelope calculation).

I tried to use Alipay and other forms of payment with my credit card (I'm in asia, not china), and none of my credit cards worked (ok, I only tried 2, as those are the 2 I expose to internet purchases). So I used a concierge service which bought the items on my behalf, paid for it, got it shipped to their office and then they shipped it to me. In the end, I paid about US$12 each including the service charges of the concierge. It took about 3 weeks.

The 3 weeks wait was fine, as the items from Dealextreme took about the same time.

I'm not writing a step-by-step guide here, just to share some information on what I found out.


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