Modular FPGA Miner Hardware Design Development

【作者:fjbit】 来源:转载 日期:2011-9-9 3:01:35 人气: 标签:FPGA Miner 【打印】

 Hello everybody.

This threads purpose is to develop a modular FPGA board system customised for the demands of the" Official Open Source FPGA Bitcoin Miner " 

Basically this system should consist of one "Mainboard" housing the Bus system an the IO connections.
And then a variable amount of daughtercards using a standart format like SO DIMM or similar housing one or multiple FPGA chips. 

This daugtherboards should be designed to be variable in the FPGS chips used,  so there might at first be a budget low performance Line ,later a Midrange card and a high performance range in a final stage.

This modular system would allow a wide range of Bitcoin participants to start with a minimum setup with the Mainboard and one FPGA card and increase the number of FPGA cards according to their needs and financial capabilities.

So in order to bring this concept into reality i invite everybody interested to contribute to this development process.

I hope we may be abled to get to a prototyp stage this year.

Status:Design activ

Currently discussed: Layout of the first testboard for debuging.
                                        Firmware for MSP430 IC  

Design features wich have been decided on



(Currently a modyfied layout of Olaf.Mandel is to be used)

- The FPGA used on the prototype is the Xilinx Spartan 6 LX 150 FGG 484

- The current design is going to use  2 FPGA's per DIMM PCB, at maximum.

- The prototype motherboard will hold 5 DIMM boards

Power supply

(Currently Power supply by li_gangyi is to be used) 

- Each DIMM board features an wide range input ~11-20V over either a Molex 8981 or a Barrel 2.5/5.5 connector.

- In addition the DIMM socket provides a 12 V rail supplied by an ATX PSU via the Mainboard if in Modular use. 

- The voltage regulation providing the voltages needed for the components on the DIMM is located on the DIMM itself.


- Each board uses one USB mini B connection in standalone or the BUS system via DIMM pins in Modular operation.

- The MSP430 IC will be used for BUS (SPI) and communication via USB(both located on Daughter- and Motherboard).

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