
【作者:网文】 来源:转载 日期:2013-2-15 14:10:09 人气:302 标签:NONKO 【打印】


We are one of the first, if not the only, private equity trading firm to accept Bitcoins BTC.

We provide access to US Markets NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX


  1. Limited time offer for BTC users……Start trading with as little as $100 USD….our non-BTC clients typically start with $2500-$5000 USD
  2. Ask us how to trade with leverage
  3. Commissions for stocks cost only $3.99 per trade up to 1000 shares
  4. Commissions for options cost $3.95 per trade with $1.50 per contract
  5. 100% Payout
  6. Full ECN PassThru
  7. No License Required
  8. No Lock up on funds
  9. Use our Web trader for only $9.50 monthly fee or use our Professional desktop trading platform for $120 a month
  10. Trade on your iPhone for $30 a month!
  11. Cancel and take back all funds at anytime!
  12. Profit Withdrawals are free with Bitcoin! USD Wire Transfers to your bank are $75.00
  13. Support always available bell to bell, call us or chat with us on Skype
  14. Full back office reporting showing trade reports, fees, performance, and equity balance.  Located at Trade Reports
  15. We respect your privacy, we only require an email for communication and BTC to get started.
  16. Any overnight position using leverage will result in a daily overnight margin interest


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