
【作者:LIYW】 来源:未知 日期:2011-11-5 1:23:44 人气:339 标签:Bitcoin谷歌结帐 【打印】

“一个的Google Checkout支持按钮添加到您的网页,使用”支持“按钮,让你的读者捐款,以支持您的博客。” 我已经有了一个Bitcoin提示的JAR,但如果非Bitcoiners可以离开这个提示,这是bitcoin很好的做到这一点 ! “当您使用Google Checkout的处理您的销售,你会收取低利率为1.9%+每笔交易0.30美元。使用Google Checkout,有没有月费,安装,或网关服务费。” 这是合理的,我猜,但如果有人想离开一个$ 0.10的小费,它的成本是$ 0.30。看到我收到的提示是0.50元以下,这不是很好,但等待,这是什么? “额外1%的手续费,将评估交易的商人的国家是否与买家的帐单国家不同。” 好了,因为我来自加拿大,一样,大部分时间。是 1%,是不是很坦然... “经过10天的通知,我们也可能收取较高的交易处理费的商户,导致过度扣款,或以其他方式构成的金融风险,以结帐。” 我不卖任何东西,所以这不应该发生。但是,如果有人想交易与我? “你在哪里发现扣款承担责任的情况下,你会收取的扣款全额另加10元的扣款费。” 没有感谢,谷歌的PS请不要靠近我的Blogger帐户。你们真棒,只是没有真棒的付款处理器。


Since this is a Google Blogger Blog, I have quite a few options when it comes to adding "gadgets" to the site. Currently, I use the "Poll," "Recent Comments," and "Popular Posts" gadgets, among others. 
While perusing through some other options, I came across the "Support My Blog" gadget, which:
"Adds a Google Checkout Support Button to your page. Use the support button to enable your readers to support your blog with contributions."
I've already got a Bitcoin Tip Jar, but it would be nice if non-Bitcoiners could leave tips too.
Let's do this!
"When you use Google Checkout to process your sales, you'll be charged rates as low as 1.9% + $0.30 per transaction. With Google Checkout, there are no monthly, setup, or gateway service fees."
That's reasonable, I guess, but if someone wants to leave a $0.10 tip, it's going to cost me $0.30. Seeing as most of the tips I receive are under $0.50, that's not very good.
But wait, what's this?"An additional 1% fee will be assessed on transactions where the merchant's country is different from the buyer's billing country."
Well, since I'm from Canada, that's like, most of the time. 
1% isn't very much though...
"With 10 days notice, we may also charge higher transaction processing fees to merchants that incur excessive chargebacks or otherwise pose financial risk to Checkout."
I'm not selling anything, so that shouldn't happen. But what if someone wants to screw with me?
"In cases where you are found liable for a chargeback, you'll be charged the full amount of the chargeback plus an additional $10 chargeback fee."
To hell with that!
Thanks for nothing, Google.
P.S. Please don't close my Blogger account. You guys are awesome, just not awesome payment processors.

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