Why you should play Bitcoin poker

【作者:fjbit】 来源:未知 日期:2011-9-11 1:19:59 人气:166 标签:Bitcoin poker 【打印】

There is a little secret that the world of poker doesn’t know about yet: how awesome Bitcoin poker is for online play. For months I’ve been hearing about how poker sites that accept U.S. poker players are tugging them left and right, not accepting deposits for days or weeks, holding onto funds, and of course, all the paperwork that some sites require to withdraw. Here are a couple reasons why YOU should play Bitcoin poker:
  1. Now-a-days it’s cheaper than ever to play Bitcoin Poker since the price per bitcoin is so low. Buy in now while the price is low!
  2. Faster withdrawals and deposits.
  3. Your chips are safe with us, other poker sites have had their bank accounts frozen, that can’t happen to us.
We hope you’ll stick with us and not switch over to whatever new competitor we have this week. We’ve been here for months operating an amazing poker room and I hope you’ll stay with us!
返回顶部】【关闭窗口 风险提示:本站分享转载的信息均来自互联网,且仅供阅读参考,不作为具体投资的依据,据此入市,风险自担。本站所有内容涉及到的“货币”字眼需谨慎研判,我们维护各国法币的合法地位,同时数字资产具有货币的某些属性,目前是不能替代任何国家的法定货币的,请谨慎理解投资并严格遵守各国法律法规!详见本站[免责声明]。】
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