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【作者:fjbit】 来源:转载 日期:2011-9-6 9:09:49 人气: 标签:Bitcoin一跌再跌 【打印】


每个人都憎恨的通货膨胀,因为这意味着价格上涨,并在你的口袋里的钱是值得较少,但有一个重要的原因,几乎世界上每一个国家都有通货膨胀,促进消费。如果我告诉你,你可以买一个全新的汽车今天为100元,或等到明天,为1000美元购买。你会选择哪种处理?显然,你今天的交易 。这是什么通胀不经济。贬低一个人的钱非常轻微,并鼓励买家购买产品,因为他们可以尽快 。当你有通缩的情况下,发生了相反的效果。你看1000美元的汽车,并决定要等到明天等待时,在你的口袋里的钱更值钱。这将导致市场停滞,因为人们没有花bitcoins激励。我相信这个因素是什么使得Bitcoin市场DIP下降如此之低。人们不被鼓励花bitcoins运行Bitcon相关网站,使企业无法正常工作创造新的产品,消费者不苛求新Bitcoin网站,因为他们不想花他们的硬币。



The code that Bitcoin uses to operate creates a new supply of bitcoins every day. These coins are rewarded to miners who contribute the most computing power to the Bitcoin network. These miners supposedly turn around and spend those coins promoting the Bitcoin Economy. There is, however, one slight problem with this happy little setup. Bitcoin is set as a deflationary currency. This means that there will only be a fixed number of bitcoins produced and that each day less bitcoins will be produced. When Bitcoin first came out people heralded this deflationary aspect of Bitcoin to be something marvelous. Unfortunately, the Bitcoin market has been seeing the ugly side of deflation lately.

Everyone hates inflation since it means that prices rise and the money in your pocket is worth less, but there is one vital reason almost every country in the world has inflation: it promotes spending. If I was to tell you that you could buy a brand new car today for $100, or wait until tomorrow and buy it for $1,000. Which deal would you pick? Obviously you’d go for the deal today. That’s what inflation does to the economy. It devalues one’s money ever so slightly and encourages buyers to buy products as soon as they can. When you have deflation, the opposite effect occurs. You look at the $1,000 car and decide to wait until tomorrow when the money in your pocket is worth more. This leads to market stagnation since people don’t have the incentive to spend their bitcoins. I believe this factor is what is making the Bitcoin market dip down so low. People aren’t being encouraged to spend their bitcoins so businesses that run Bitcon related sites are not working on creating new products. Consumers aren’t demanding new Bitcoin sites because they don’t want to spend their coins.

Bitcoin has always been seen as a form of investment. But in my eyes it is a currency. People use it to trade goods and services. But right now, it’s not being used to trade as much as it should be. That is why the price of BTC is so low. It may even be the reason that Bitcoins die.


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