
【作者:fjbit】 来源:转载 日期:2011-11-6 1:23:09 人气:2582 标签:Bitcoin到Namecoin 【打印】






答案是Zooko的三角形。该图只是说给网络协议的名称有一定的权衡 。三个可能的特征是:人类有意义的,安全和权力下放 。仅仅意味着人类有意义的名称不乱码给人类 。安全的手段,这是不可能的假 。中央下放手段缺乏。换句话说,它大概是不可能实现所有这三个特点。相反,你只能解决大多数,两个特点。域名,例如,在当前的主导系统,安全和人类有意义的 。

同时,用户Appamato建议,会变成怎样的起源 Namecoin , BitDNS 。它产生了20页的讨论,其中有很大的争议,很少共识 。有些人的思想,取得了一个粗略的共识跨采和blockchain专业化。

跨采,聪中本首先提出的,是安全BitDNS和bitcoin blockchains的。相反只是bitcoins采矿,矿工将能够开采domaincoins。这允许BitDNS blockchain一样安全作为bitcoin,或至少更容易安全。此功能尚未通过Namecoin实施,但它在​​发展TODO列表。

blockchain专业化的需要,是因为它有利于人们只用它作为交换媒介,以尽量减少bitcoin blockchain大小。如果其他数据,如域名,这将大大膨胀了blockchain。如需使用blockchains,因此腹胀,privillege,域名所有者将支付较高的费用。这意味着人使用它仅仅是为了解决行业竞争的人需要专门用途bitcoin块链。通过创建一个单独的blockchain,将会有较少竞争和用户之间将有更少的节点下载膨胀。





namecoins市场不相当强劲,但它似乎是的情况下,人们大多只交换namecoin bitcoin。这使的意义,因为bitcoin社会驱动namecoin通过namecoin bitcoin社区内发芽的脸。这也更安全,而不是namecoin交换贝美元汇率namecoin和bitcoin。最终,一个专门的市场,很像mtgox,将弹出支持namecoin和bitcoin交流。Web界面,很像mybitcoin.com,将开发,以纾缓注册域名的过程中。这也是不容易为普通用户访问。位域。最好的情况下通过世界各地的认识和使用的namecoin数据库为域名服务器。namecoin市场的发展和新的工具将实现全球霸权的关键。



Throughout the history of technology, technologies often jailbreak from their little niches. People often found new uses for technologies intended for other niches. For example, the internet was originally intended to be a military network. Even public key cryptography broke out of its niche, which is simple encryption, but is also used to authenticate identities.

The technology of bitcoin is also breaking out of its niche. It is now being adapted to further decentralize the domain name system. This new technological adapation is called Namecoin.

The need for decentralization of the global domain name system, or more specifically, the registration part of it, became especially clear when ICE engaged in the seizure of domain names, at first for piracy, and then against illegal gambling. Whatever the justification may be, the authorities represent an uncertainty and risk to businesses and fear to ordinary users. Technological initiatives are necessary to wrestle away the power of governments over their ability to control who get to own what domains.

The first project to come out of this was, of course, the dot-P2P project. However, they could not figure out the proper technological solution to domain name registrations. Instead, the founder decided to put off the technological challenge until later. That mean registration would be centralized, but it is the registration process that is the reason why it is possible for governments to seize domains. The refusal to face the primary problem became moot as the project lost momentum. Eventually, the project was dead in matter of months, with no code in sight and the wiki with no activities other than spam fighting activities.

But why was decentralizing domain name registration is such a big problem that the dot-P2P project refused to confront it, even though the success of their system hinge on them solving it?

The answer is Zooko's triangle. The diagram simply states that there are certain tradeoff for giving names in a network protocol. The three possible characteristics are: human-meaningful, secure, and decentralized. Human-meaningful simply means that names are not gibberish to humans. Secure means that it is not possible to fake. Decentralized means lack of central authorities. In other words, it is supposedly impossible to achieve all three of these characteristics. Rather, you could only settle on most, two characteristics. Domain names, for example, in the current dominant system, are secure and human-meaningful.

(For excruciating details on how namecoin work, please refer to this guide.)

Meanwhile, user Appamato propose what would become the origin of Namecoin,BitDNS. It spawned 20 pages of discussion in which there are much controversy and few consensus. Some of the ideas that achieved a rough consensus are cross-mining and blockchain specialization.

Cross-mining, first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto, is meant to secure both blockchains of BitDNS and bitcoin. Instead of just mining for bitcoins, miners would be able to mine for domaincoins. This allows the BitDNS blockchain to be just as secure as bitcoin or at least more easily secured. This feature is not yet implemented by Namecoin, but it is on the development TODO list.

The need for blockchain specialization is because it is better to minimize the size of the bitcoin blockchain in favor of people who are only using it as a medium of exchange. If other data come in, such as domain names, it would greatly bloat the blockchain. For the privillege of using the blockchains and consequently bloating it, the domain name owner would pay a higher fee. That mean people who need the bitcoin block chain for specialized purpose will compete with people who are using it merely to settle trades. By creating a separate blockchain, there will be less competition between users and there would be less bloat for nodes to download.

Of course, how does Namecoin solves Zooko's triangle?

With each Namecoin's public addresses, are private keys. These private keys alone control literally who gets to control domain name records within the blockchain. If you don't have the right key, de-facto, you don't own it. It doesn't matter what the courts say. In essence, domain name ownership is the result of mathematics rather than the result of humans' adherence to the law of societies. Furthermore, the meaningfulness of the name is also enforced by the cost of registration, the coin supply scarcity, network fees and the transaction fees miners set. This prevent people from registering domain names in a great rush.

Together with proof of work, one can be reasonably sure that the blockchain is the authentic record of the namecoin domain name system. DNS servers will then parse the blockchain database to use as information to serve domain names. Since namecoin is like bitcoin in pretty much many other aspect, it is also decentralized and secure.

In term of technological mutation, namecoin isn't far from bitcoin. It uses an IRC channel for bootstrapping, have the same supply limit of 21 million coins. It is just as fungible, divisible, durable, and rare as bitcoin. It's a little bit more bloated in blockchain size simply because of the records that namecoin have to store. There are a few additional commands for registering and changing details of domain names. We can expect namecoin and bitcoin to share patches for quite a long time. Someday namecoin may diverges so much that patches from the bitcoin codebase become useless, but it is hard to predict the future development path taken by bitcoin and namecoin developers.

The market for namecoins isn't quite robust yet, but it seems to be the case that people mostly exchange only bitcoin for namecoin. This make sense because the bitcoin community drives the adoption of namecoin and the face that namecoin germinates inside the bitcoin community. It is also much safer to exchange namecoin and bitcoin rather than exchange paypal dollars for namecoin. Eventually, a dedicated marketplace, much like mtgox, will pops up to support the exchange of namecoin and bitcoin. Web interfaces, much like mybitcoin.com, will be developed to ease the process of registering domain names. It is also not easy for normal users to visit .bit domains. The best case scenario for adoption is for nameservers all over the world to recognize and make use of the namecoin database. The development of the namecoin market and new tools will be crucial in achieving global domination.

Whatever the historical evolution will be in the future, Namecoin is, in historical term, an unforeseen innovation that happened within a short span of time of Bitcoin's invention. It is one of the first technological jailbreak for Bitcoin technology, and it is unlikely to be the last.

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