支付的手机结帐允许客户支付他们的BTC在智能手机上,例如在一间餐厅交易,经理和服务器有相应的付费应用程序安装在其智能手机。服务器充当了检查BTC数量,服务器应用程序不关机。支付移动结帐时这两款手机必须都能够访问Internet 。

服务器启动位付费的应用程序,加载Bitcoin销售 屏幕,服务器进入的支票号码,总金额,并按下Bitcoin 结帐。

服务器的应用程序刷新屏幕上的发票,客户可以扫描 此发票包含实时bitcoin交换率,和本次交易的独特bitcoin地址 。

客户打开在手机上的电子钱包,以及扫描的付款指示。 客户可以立即支付,并添加额外的小费金额。



Bit-pay introduces a new merchant tool that allows businesses and customers to conduct payments using their mobile phones. The program is now in a pilot phase for several businesses in Downtown Orlando.
As mobile phones become smarter and add more features, using a phone as a digital wallet is inevitable. And now, the future has arrived.
Bit-Pay Mobile Checkout can be used on any Apple or Android phone with internet access. Bit-Pay's merchant tools are compatible with ALL bitcoin digital wallets. And payment notifications are typically less than 5 seconds, from every wallet we've tested.
Merchants can now offer a quick and easy payment option, without any risks of chargebacks, and without the high fees of credit card processing. Customers can now leave their wallets at home, and pay for things using cash on their phones.
Bitcoins are available in any country. In the near future, consumers will be able to travel anywhere in the world, and go shopping using their mobile phones, without changing their cash every time they arrive in a new country.
To learn more about Bit-Pay Mobile Checkout, and see some screen captures of the mobile app, visit: