在CentOs 5上安装"bitcoind"

【作者:fjbit】 来源:未知 日期:2011-9-8 0:07:45 人气: 标签:CentOs5"bitcoind" 【打印】

本文转自国外论坛由于精力有限没时间翻译,GOOGLE翻译出来的效果有网友在质疑,故不做翻译处理,另能在CentOs 5玩BTC的朋友E文应该不差,少废话,按下面做吧.

Ok let's get this tutorial section started off with one. Now mind you I didn't write this tutorial, it was writen by "Michael Erwin Steurer" and posted on the other bitcoin forum. Problem is it was hard to find and it's in PDF format, don't like that myself ha ha

So I am going to post it here to get the tutorials section up and running. Plus, I also fixed a problem someone on the other forum was having with gthread not being installed and working, I will post that at the end of the tutorial.

Now I HAVE tested this myself just 10 minutes ago on a CentOS 5.5 system with the most recent of everything, including the most recent download of bitcoin. So it works. Let's start:

We keep everything in our home directory under ~/Bitcoin/. We do not make any changes
to system parameters or system libraries and therefore no root privileges are required.

That above statement was from the original, root priviledges WILL be required if you have the problem with gthread, which most VPS machines should have. This is because you will have to install gthread using yum, so root is needed in this case or sudo power.


Boost, Get the Library from here:

put it into the directory ~/Bitcoin/Libraries/ and execute the following commands (write the parameters for the bjam command in one line).

There was an error in the prefix line below, I removed it, the author had an extra Bitcoin/ in there.

OpenSSL, Get the Library from here:

And put it into the directory ~/Bitcoin/Libraries/, extract it and determine the system architecture.

If the ouput of the last command contains

you have a 64-bit computer architecture and if it contains

you have a 32-bit computer architecture.

Execute one of the following ./Con gure commands according to the architecture

64-bit architecture

32-bit architecture

Get a list with all supported architectures

Finally, compile and install.

Berkeley DB, Get the Library from here:

And put it into the directory ~/Bitcoin/Libraries/ and compile it


Get the BitCoin sources from the webpage or check it out from the Git repository and put
it into the directory ~/Bitcoin/Trunk/

That was the GIT command, now you can download also from here:

BitCoin homepage:

BitCoin GIT:

Or SourceForge page, you want to download the latest version and the src version to compile your self:

I personally got mine from the SF page

To download and compile from SF, use wget, issue these commands:

Replace sf_link with your download link and 0.3.23 with the version you downloaded.

Create a new fille ~/Bitcoin/Trunk/makefi le.centos and add the lines as follows.

The spaces that you see are not spaces, they are TABS, one single tab to be exact since make is picky about this make sure you use tabs not spaces.

Change the Value DEPSDIR according to your Deps/ directory.

Finally, compile the sources in the ~/Bitcoin/Trunk directory. This also depends on where you extracted the files from the source file to and from, you want to be in the SRC directory if you downloaded from SF instead of GIT.

Now for those of you with this error when you make:

You need to install glib2-devel, that is the LIB that contains gthread for CentOS, you can do this issueing this command as root or sudo:

For that you might need the extras repositories from CentOS, you can find instructions on how to install the extra repos here:

Now I just noticed as I was previewing this thing, that the formatting on the makefile above is all OFF, so I am attaching the final one for my system as a ZIP file of the final makefile.
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