Coincraft 机型由我们的第一代矿机进化而来,第一代矿机是基于老的Avalon芯片的矿机。Coincraft矿机最终将提供高功耗比的算力单位从200GH/S到1TH/S,每增加一块运算板板增加200GH/S的算力,机箱上的小显示屏将显示16*2的字母,通过它将能直观的看到每个单元的IP地址,矿工账号,当前算力,系统温度。 控制单位使用一个700MHz ARM11处理器,512MB内存和8GB闪存的树莓派。 在低功耗模式它们的算力分别为:150/300/450/600/750GH/s Coincraft Desk is the product of natural evolution from our Generation 1 devices based on older Avalon’s chip. It offers the ultimate mining performances with highly scalable hashing power starting from 200 GH/s up to 1 TH/s in increments of 200 GH/s for each of the installed hashing modules.The clean bezel front with a 16×2 characters display allows you to have an immediate view of each unit’s IP address or hostname, the current hashing power and the system temperature. Control unit based on Raspberry Pi board with ARM11 700MHz CPU, 512 MB RAM and 8GB flash storage. 原文来自彩云比特币 |