Frequently asked questions are presented here for your convenience. These are the most common questions we're asked about our products & services. 以下是关于我们的产品和服务最常见被问到的问题: Q What methods of payment do you accept? 问:你们接受什么样的付款方式? A We accept PayPal, Bitcoins and Bank Transfer. 答:我们接受PayPal支付,比特币支付以及银行转账 PayPal has transactions limits of $10,000 US. PayPal支付限一万美元以内。 Bitcoins are accepted by a third party vendor that handles the exchange. All of our machines are sold for US Dollars. 第三方商家处理比特币兑换业务。我们所有的机器最终以美元标价出售。 Bank Transfers can take 3 to 4 days to appear in our system. We ask that you send a copy of the receipt for the transfer to office at and include your order number. This will help us match your payment with your order. Once we confirm the payment, we will send you a confirmation email. There is a $550 minimum on bank transfers. So a transaction for one 5 GH/s machine would not be eligible for Bank Transfer. 银行转账需要3到4天才能在我们的系统中体现支付完成情况。请付款后将转账凭据及订单号电邮office at,这有助于我们核对您的订单与支付情况。一旦我们确认支付后,我们会向您发送一封确认电邮。银行转账额最小要求550美元。所以单台5 GH/s设备无法用银行转账方式支付。
Q Where am I in line and when will my order ship? 问:我排在第几位?我的设备什么时候能有寄出? A We currently do not have the ability to easily disclose the number of orders we currently have. Shipping of new units is expected to begin soon. It is unknown at this time when we will complete the shipping of our pre-orders. Even though we should start shipping soon, orders placed now will be shipped at a later time. Our orders date back to June, 2012. All of those orders and those placed since then will be shipped before new orders. 答:现在我们还未处理完现有的订单。新的设备预计很快能够寄出。完成预定产品的出货时间无法预计。即使这样,我们会尽快开始发货,现在预定的订单会稍候发出。2012年6月前的订单会优先发出。 QI tried calling Butterfly Labs, but no one answered. How can I talk to someone? 问:电话联系蝴蝶实验室但是无人接听,我怎么才能联系到你们? A We try to answer phone calls as they come in, but sometimes we are on the phone with other customers at the time you call. We respond to voicemails as quickly as possible but it's often faster to write customer service at office at where a response staff is in place during business hours. Our normal business hours are Monday - Friday, 9 am to 5 pm US Central Time. We are also available on Facebook and Twitter. 答:我们尽量接听打来的电话,但是有些时候可能您打来的时候我们正在与其他客户通话。一个更快的办法是,发电邮到office at,我们会有一个专业团队在工作时间进行反馈。我们的工作时间是美国时间周一到周五,上午9点到下午5点。您同时可以用Facebook and Twitter与我们联系。 Q Can Butterfly Labs ship items as a 'gift' or for a lower price than was paid? 问:设备能够标注“礼物”或者低于售价的价格邮寄吗? A No. We can lose our ability to ship to a country if we falsify customs declarations. We declare all items as 'computer peripherals' for the actual price paid on the customs form. 答:不可以。如果我们伪造商品报关名称可能会使我们失去邮寄到该国的权利。我们均以实际价格并以“计算机周边设备”的名称报关。 QWhat shipping company does Butterfly Labs use? 问:蝴蝶实验室采用什么快递公司投递包裹? A Standard Shipping uses USPS - the United States Postal Service except for the Mini Rigs, which ship with FedEx Express Shipping uses FedEx by default. 答:标准运输方式除了运输Mini Rigs设备外均采用美国邮政运输。Mini Rigs设备采用联邦快递方式运输。 QCan I get a refund on my pre-order? 问:我的预定可以退款吗? A All sales are final unless we fail to perform. That means if we do not ship any machine at all. If you would really like a refund anyway, just ask and we'll probably be able to take care of you. Nonetheless, we reserve the right to handle it on a case by case basis. 答:除非我们无法发货的情况下,所有商品一经售出不能退款。如果您无论如何希望退款,请联系我们,我们会尽力给您安排。但是,视具体情况,我们保留处置的权利。 Refunds usually take 3-4 days to begin the process. If you paid with a bank wire, it will take an additional week or so for the funds to appear in your account. PayPal and Bitcoin refunds can take 2-3 days for the funds to appear in your account. 退款一般情况下需要3-4天时间。如果您采用银行电汇方式,可能额外需要一周时间才能退款到您的账户。PayPal and Bitcoin支付一般在2-3天完成退款流程。 Bitcoin payments and refunds are processed through a third-party vendor. The amount refunded is based on the US Dollar equivalent at the time the transaction is initiated. 比特币支付方式退款通过第三方商家处理。退款的比特币数量为初次交易的美元金额折算成当前的比特币数量。 Q What is the power consumption of the Bitforce SC (ASIC based) units? 问:Bitforce SC (ASIC芯片) 设备的功耗是多少? A We are not currently releasing power specs for the units. 答:现在我们还没有公布设备功耗说明书。 Q Do your products fall under US encryption export control classification? 问:你们的产品是在美国加密出口产品限制声明范围内吗? 扩展阅读: 下接第二页 |